With only about 250 miles to go Finish is getting close for David and his (R)evoluiton. If he can still catch the Monaco Radio emmissions, he knows about his advantage and also that he can drop the pressure on him and his boat for a notch. In this case the extraordinary adventure on which he embarked by selling everything and betting all he had on the concept, we might quickly start considering normal and logical, has high probability to end with a happiest end of all. If he cannot - which is from my experience quite likely - he is still pushing hard and the stress will start to rise with the approach to the finish.
The aspect of being comunicationaly blind on a mini is something unique in the ocean races. It brings interesting component of not knowing where is your competition and consequently pushing you to fight to the finish. No tactical covering or saving your resurses. You give what you have and the count the masts allready docked in the finish marina while you are towed in to see which place you got.
Wind looks to be very comfortable at the moment which means also less problems for sailors infected bottoms and sore eyes. Uniluminated fishing boats and floating trash still reamins a threat for all of the fleet and convection clouds sometimes give you a welcome shower.
There is a lot of weather activity in the south atlantic but it looks like it will not affect the race course much - only to the extend that the trades are a bit weaker than normaly. Salvador area might be touched by te southerlies in a few days which might push the deficites of the second group even a bit further.
But in any case (again save the technical problems or colision with UFO - unindentified floating object) the general rankings podioum will look like the ranking od second leg which is quite common. And if fourth place is also firmly in the hand of Antoine (800) it will be an interesting fight for the places from 5 forward. Group of David (679), Guillaume (667) and Etienne (802) will shortly join the group of Lucas (509) Joerg (753) and Lucas) after they line up for final approach. In this case firs leg results will play a major role in final rankings.
Also interesting fact is that Lucas on the 2004 Manuard (509) is currently ahead of Joerg who rented the same boat for the 2008 season and then build a new one for the 2009 Transat.
problème sur la Financière? 2nds!!!
RépondreSupprimerFinally, compared to the results of all the major races of the 2011 Mini Season, the only big disappointment is the absence in Bahia of Sebastien Rogues in the TOP 5 (as well as Nicolas Boidevezy). Regarding the "Transgascogne 2011", the podium in Bahia doesn't show big surprises. Strength and weakness are more or less respected this year, even with strange weather conditions. All the sailors in the Top 10, are used to this kind of ranking, no ?
RépondreSupprimerune question :
RépondreSupprimerquand il y a escale technique, le concurrent a t il le droit d'emprunter du matériel à un autre concurrent et repartir sans pénalités?
merci de votre réponse
Bravo David !
RépondreSupprimerTrès belle histoire, énorme... comme son étrave !
Ingénieur hydro, architecte, constructeur, navigateur et tout ça avec beaucoup de talent !
Record de l'épreuve ou pas?
RépondreSupprimerBravo David, j'ai bcp d'admiration pour ce que tu viens de réaliser, excellent!
Monsieur Rasion with new overall record - balls of staineless steel (V4A) !!!
RépondreSupprimerEn direct du Havre, tous les ministes présents saluent l'artiste, bravo David !!!
RépondreSupprimerdans le peloton suiveur (5e et 10e place) un coup de chapeau aux Lucas qui réalisent une superbe transat. Sur le 509 d'abord, Lucas Schroder sur un bateau qui n'est déjà plus dans les toutes dernières générations, mais bien mené peut encore faire parler la poudre. Et bravo à Lucas sur le 618 aussi, qui n'a couru je crois qu'une course cette année, le minimum syndical par faute de temps et de moyens. Chapeau l'amateur éclairé ! Même s'il s'est fait rejoindre comme on pouvait s'y attendre par le peloton.
j espere qu ils ne vont pas embeter les copains avec des histoires de penalites. un arret au stand ca suffit deja. et on fait du mini, pas du figaro. Bravo a ceux qui terminent, c est d abord ca la mini.
RépondreSupprimerEl NoNo
From mindelo
Balles de platinum...