Les accros-de-la-carto donnent leur avis, refont les trajectoires depuis leur canapé, racontent (encore une fois) LEUR(s) course(s) en Mini, laissent partir leur imagination sur les stratégies, imaginent la vie à bord... et tout ça, pour le plaisir.
Addicts-of-the-tracking give their opinions, outline again the path from the sofa, tell (again) THEIR (s) race (s), let their imagination based on strategies, imagine living aboard ... and that, only for fun.
vendredi 6 août 2010
To ease your waiting between scheds you can check the archives of 06 and 08 Acores http://lessables-lesacores.geovoile.com/2006/ http://lessables-lesacores.geovoile.com/2008/
Just realized one interesting fact. The situation from 2006 in protos and 2010 series is almost identical from Finistere to now.
Also what is interesting is why was Bertrand so slow at the time when Joerg did his jibe. Gribs were showing more wind south but he was about 2-3knots slower. Also his track is not realy smooth at the time.
Just realized one interesting fact. The situation from 2006 in protos and 2010 series is almost identical from Finistere to now.
RépondreSupprimerAlso what is interesting is why was Bertrand so slow at the time when Joerg did his jibe. Gribs were showing more wind south but he was about 2-3knots slower. Also his track is not realy smooth at the time.
Maybe there are some troubles with the indicated speed.
RépondreSupprimerAt 19h00, 759 was at 63 kts. A new secret sail?
63kt, not bad for a rookie :)
RépondreSupprimerNo it was not just current speed, if you check he actually lost miles there.