Last sched is showing doing speed dropping from 8.5 to 3.5 knots and his lead cut to half. Forecast is showig south to be a bit problematic windwise due to shallow low moving trough archipelago, but with only 12 miles norts/south separation between Joerg and Bertrand wind gradient cannot change that much. Also webcams don't show some serious convection cells that would provide mast breaking gusts (
Fight for third turned in real match race. Unlike Joerg and Bertrand who don't know about their positions, Andrea and Sebastien met this morning and are now locked in the duel. Current Gribs are favourizing northern approach to the finish so this will be interesting.
Fight for places between 5-7 is also close with Pic and Vincent laying on top of each other with Milan joining from behind. He has the fastest boat of the three but the least experience so let's see if he'll find a way to make up 4 missing miles in this final approach. It think he'll play it safe.
At the other hand in Serie southern option payed off and Xavier is leading the pack with Davy breathinh down his neck. This will be the duel to watch, especially du to more complex meteo they will have on approach.
Thats harsh for Joerg... now we have to wait for 1600 to see if its a real problem or one he could fix.... It aint over till the fat lady sings LOL.
RépondreSupprimerQuickscat is not showing any significant gradient
RépondreSupprimer so it is not unlikely he has probles. Maybe hitting a whale which happened to Andy Wood in 06 if we look in to more spectaluar possibilites.
It was maybe a small transition zone... At the new sched Joerg speeded up, and Delesne slowed down.
RépondreSupprimerOr that whale is so big or in love with mini´s it has been hit twice by the sailors... just kidding
Never know about the whales. Remember Moby dick ;)
RépondreSupprimerThis shallow low might be the more credible suspect although windscat is not showing any significant gradients in the region. Some convection is shown on webcams so this might be the anwser.
The leaders seem to take the southern route at 16h00. I thought from previous comments that the northern one would be better/shorter given the current wind direction. Any explanation or more accurate forecasts?
RépondreSupprimerA bit disappointed by the D2s in the series...
I am not disappointed in the D2 performance, as most (read 90%) of the effort over the last decade was poured in the speed of the p2.
RépondreSupprimerAll top sailors choose for that one (with a good reason, the yard behind it and the success of the P1).
If Mediabrain gets a top 5 its very good IMHO.
If in top 10 its good.
And remember the first day of drag racing they ranked higher...
The Naciras disappointed me a little bit more.
Interesting decisions how to approach Horta,
been there and think Jorg is taking the easier route... weatherwise I have no clue.